Sunday, March 30, 2014

An Introduction to Warlocks: Part I

From the World of Warcraft official class site:

In the face of demonic power, most heroes see death. Warlocks see only opportunity. 
Dominance is their aim, and they have found a path to it in the dark arts...

(Staples, 2013) ©2014 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Warlocks are cloth-armored, ranged spellcasters whose powers are derived from dark, fel energy. Arguably superior to the mage class (Note: we like making fun of mages), warlocks are similar with their reliability of mana as a main resource for their magic. Warlocks are also considered a pet class, since they use summoned demons to do their bidding, and often rely on them for protection.  

Friday, March 28, 2014

Finding a Balance with Graphics Settings

The higher the frames, the better

©2014 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Scientific research shows that a majority of people prefer viewing motion pictures at a higher frame rate than the traditional 24 frames per second—FPS—standard. (Didyk, Eisemann, Ritschel, Myszkowski & Seidel, 2010) The same concept applies to various mediums of motion picture, including video games like World of Warcraft. The higher the frames that are running on a television or PC monitor, the smoother the motion of the picture showing will be.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Warlock Info—Inquire Here

Torn between two worlds

©2014 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Getting what you want in the digital world and what you need in the physical world often results in a one-sided outcome. Whether you are taking care of a family, trying to impress a boss for a new position at work, or keeping up with your studies at a university, the fact is that sooner or later finding time to play World of Warcraft can become a tricky task as you become an adult.